Agent Tokyo thrusts players into the immersive world of 2075 Tokyo, where the city's seemingly normal atmosphere hides dark secrets and advanced technology. As elite agents, players must uncover the truth by naviging through the gritty streets. They encounter hidden clues, decipher puzzles, and unravel the enigmatic layers of the city. Their mission: infiltrate a secret base, reclaim a dangerous bioweapon, and secure it in a safety canister to save the city. With time ticking away, players must use their ingenuity to outsmart the futuristic security systems and ensure a future free from impending chaos.
We were traveling and decided to stretch our legs from a long car ride. We'll check out the other rooms next time!Stephanie, Sausalito
Loads of FUN. The entire family really enjoyed this escape room.Marcus, Pleasanton
1-10 Players
60 minutes to escape